- Back to news and events information
- Euroforum on the topic: Stability bonds
- Možnosti modelovania zmien ekonomiky Slovenskej republiky so zreteľom na fungovanie v Európskej menovej únii
- Determinanty polarizácie bohatstva v globalizovanom svete - Organizačný výbor
- Medzinárodná konferencia
- Eurofórum na tému: Spoločný konsolidovaný daňový základ pre podniky – analýza dopadu na príjmy
- Determinanty polarizácie bohatstva v globalizovanom svete (súčasnosť a budúcnosť)
- V4 monitor priamych zahraničných investícií a zahraničného obchodu – V4 Trade and FDI Observer
- Pozvánka na Eurofórum na tému - Budúca podoba kohéznej politiky v období rokov 2014 – 2020
- Pozvánka na Eurofórum na tému - Regulácia činnosti ratingových agentúr v EÚ
- Paradigmy budúcich zmien v 21. storočí
- Euro-fórum na tému: Hodnotenie makroekonomických nerovnováh v krajinách EU - realizácia v praxi
- Trh práce v SR po jej vstupe do Európskej menovej únie
- Nobelove ceny za ekonómiu
- Pozývame vás na DEŇ OTVORENÝCH DVERÍ
- Aktualizácia výhľadu vývoja slovenskej ekonomiky do roku 2012
- Vývoj a perspektívy svetovej ekonomiky: spomalenie rastu a vysoká nezamestnanosť
- Seminars in Empirical Economics
- Medzinárodná konferencia Budúce podoby ekonomických systémov
- Stratégia rozvoja slovenskej spoločnosti
- Obhájené dizertačné práce
- Empirická štatistika - seminár
- New publication: Dujava, Daniel. Neoclassical and keynesian view on a growth of Economy of SR
- Prezentácia novej monografie Ekonomického ústavu SAV
- Prezentácia Stratégie rozvoja slovenskej spoločnosti
- Regional disparities in Central and Eastern Europe
- Pracovný seminár Svet 2034
- Súťaž vedeckých prác v oblasti ekonomických vied Economicus
- Vedecká konferencia Regionálne disparity v SR ako objekt empirickej analýzy
- Eurofórum 2010
- Kontrolný deň projektu Stratégia rozvoja slovenskej spoločnosti
- Finančné riadenie projektov 7. rámcového programu EÚ
- Vízia a stratégia rozvoja slovenskej spoločnosti
- Publikácia: Modernization of Macroeconomic Forecasting as a Basis for Efficient Budgeting in Ukraine
- Konferencia: Vývoj a perspektívy svetovej ekonomiky
- Euro-forum jún 2008
- Euro-forum
- Euro-forum
- Konferencia AHEAD
- Pozvánka na konferenciu
- Témy dizertačných prác
- Eurofórum on the topic: The situation in the relations between supermarket chains and their suppliers of food
- The Paradigms of the Future Changes in the 21st Century III.
- 14th Seminar in Empirical Economics
- The IER Seminar in Empirical Economics
- Registration on scientific conference Paradigms of the future changes in the 21st century V. ends 30.6.2015
- Registration on scientific conference Inclusive Growth and Employment in Europe is opened
- International scientific conference regarding the economic modelling of european environmental tax
- Economic development of Slovakia in 2015 and outlook
- Registration to scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2016 is now open
- Program of the scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2016
- Successful grant applications
- About adaption processes and pulsating economy
- Focused on Paradigm Changes in the 21st Century
- Views at structural problems in the Slovak economy
- Systematic view of economists at future changes
- Registration to the scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2017 is now open
- Joint workshop on regional and national economic policies
- Registration to the scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2017 – Extended deadlines
- PARADIGMS OF FUTURE CHANGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY - External and internal determinants of society polarization - messages and videos
- Qualitative change in employment of the Slovak Republic
- Registration for the conference EKOMSTAT 2018 is now open
- Registration for the scientific conference EKOMSTAT 2019 is now open
- I N V I T A T I O N - The Project of the Century: ONE BELT, ONE ROAD
- International Conference - The Project of the Century: ONE BELT, ONE ROAD
- International Workshop - Capital Flight and its Impact on the Slovak Economy
- Registration for the scientific conference EKOMSTAT 2020 is now open
- Mária Širaňová, Ph.D. MA won the SAS award
- The Economic Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences is looking for a research associate
- The Webinar Invitation is out
- NEW REPORT: In search of new opportunities
- Prof. Menbere Workie Tiruneh on the problem of capital flight
- NEW website for Belarusian migrants
- Maria Siranova received funding from the MeRSA grant
- Attractiveness of country and mobility of talents: Largescale cities attract the talents
- The Institute of Economic Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences is looking for a research assistant
- Registration for the scientific conference EKOMSTAT 2022 is now open
- The analysis of European Commission’s decision-making within the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure is available online
- The Institute of Economic Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences is looking for a young research assistant
- The Institute of Economic Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences is looking for an experienced researcher
- Interview on dedolarization
- Green Certificate
- The Institute of Economic Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences is looking for an econometrician (part-time)
- The IER Seminar in Empirical Economics
- IER SAS Empirical Seminar
- The INTERCEPT Project Presented to the General and Professional Public in Slovakia
- Call for a temporary research position (Recognised / Established / Leading Researcher)
- IER SAS Empirical Seminar
- The prestigious international scientific meeting SEAM 2023
- IER SAS Empirical Seminar
- Taxation of tobacco products
- Registration for the scientific conference EKOMSTAT 2024 is now open
- Bilateral meeting at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria
- IER SAS Empirical Seminar
- Representatives of the Institute of Economic Research of the SAS actively participated in The International Conference
- IER SAS Empirical Seminar
- IER SAS Empirical Seminar
- We are delighted with the success of our colleagues.
- Bilateral mobility project DAAD-SAS
- IER SAS Empirical Seminar
- Tobacconomics
- Participation in the International Conference INFER 2024
- The Competition for PhD students of the SAS
- COMPIE 2024 conference (COunterfactual Methods for Policy Impact Evaluation)
- 3rd Training School of the PROFEEDBACK COST Action
- Economists on bicycles
- European Finance Association Conference (EFA 2024)
- Conference MIER 2024
- Congratulations!
- Congratulations!
- IER SAS Empirical Seminar
- Our colleagues - prof. Obadi and Ing. Korček are the authors of a new book in the field of energy
- Job vacancy
- Austrian Labor Economics Workshop 2024
- Participation in an international project
- Tribute to the professor, honor for SAS
- Conference MIER 2025
- IER SAS Empirical Seminar
- IER SAS Empirical Seminar
- Bitcoin Mining Research
- Registration for the scientific conference EKOMSTAT 2025 is now open
Institute of Economic Research SAS
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Tel.: +421-2-5249 5480
Fax: +421-2-5249 5106 Slovenská akadémia vied Stratégia ľudských zdrojov pre výskumníkov (HRS4R)
Sancova 56
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Tel.: +421-2-5249 5480
Fax: +421-2-5249 5106 Slovenská akadémia vied Stratégia ľudských zdrojov pre výskumníkov (HRS4R)
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